Topic: How society deals with criminals.
Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of prison and rehab
Comparing: Prison vs. Rehab
Three Things:
-success in life after each
Hey, whats up? It's Desmond. I heard you're having some trouble with the Narrative Project. I am too, but I just met with this kid Robert from one of Dr. Kerr's other sections who helped me out a whole bunch. If you need any help, I'm gunna be in the writing center until it closes tonight at 8:30 and first thing tomorrow morning so let me know. My number is (301) 512-9606! Good luck!
Hey, whats up? It's Desmond. I heard you're having some trouble with the Narrative Project. I am too, but I just met with this kid Robert from one of Dr. Kerr's other sections who helped me out a whole bunch. If you need any help, I'm gunna be in the writing center until it closes tonight at 8:30 and first thing tomorrow morning so let me know. My number is (301) 512-9606! Good luck!